CTSA Workers’ Compensation Group

January 23, 2025

Workers Compensation Self Insurance

Today there is a whole new alternative solution called 
Group Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance
Get Control Over Your Insurance Premiums!

Approved by the State of California, Self-Insurance is an alternative vehicle that provides the medium size companies within the same standard industrial codes (SIC) the same opportunity that large national companies have enjoyed for years.

About Workers Compensation Self Insurance

Business in your own industry with excellent loss experience and solid financials are partnered as a group to provide its members cost effective Workers’ Compensation coverage. A Group Administrator and a third party claims administrator (TPA) are hired to manage both the group and the claims process. Excess Insurance will be purchased to protect the group against any major claims.

Group Self-Insurance is the most effective way to control your short and long term Workers’ Compensation costs:

  • Group programs must be approved, meet and operate under stringent requirements of the State of California as administered by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) DIR-SELF INSURANCE WEBSITE
  • Established as a “not-for-profit” mutual benefits corporation, the program is owned and operated by its members and elected Board of Trustees
  • The group is protected from catastrophic losses by financially sound excess and re-insurance carriers There is No Capital Investment required

How Do Self Insured Groups Work?

  • Members contribute to a fund, which is conservatively invested and tracked by policy year. The group pays each policy year expenses (administrative, loss prevention, claims, reinsurance etc.) from the funds collected. The surplus and investment income is returned to those members who were participants in that program year.
  • This program provides the medium size company the traditional opportunity that large self-insured companies have enjoyed for years.
  • Self-Insurance has traditionally out performed the private, captive and high deductible program alternatives by 20 to 40% Members are no longer at the mercy of the private insurance carriers and their cycles.

How Do Self-Insurance Groups Succeed?

The program is operated for the benefit of member businesses within their own industry

  • Members must meet strong safety, financial, experience modification and loss history criteria established by the Board of Trustees.
  • Claims are handled aggressively including fraud and subrogation. The third party claims administrator is contracted directly by the Board of Trustees who has the ability to take action if superior services are not provided. Claim Reserves are accurate and fair - no profit is built into cost.
  • In-depth Risk Management services are provided by qualified safety professionals experienced within your own industry.
  • Detailed Financial and Loss Reports are provided to all members.
  • Future rates are based on the success of the group in holding losses to a minimum

California Truckers Safety Association (CTSA)

CTSA Member Comments

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Since 1972, Allen Lawrence & Associates, LLC has been serving the insurance needs of businesses and individuals throughout the United States.
As a broker we represent you, the buyer of insurance, in the world insurance market. Our role is to assist you in evaluating operating risks and in preventing financial loss to you and your stakeholders..
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